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Friday, 11 March 2011

Former television hypnotist Martin Smith, 45, who used violence to groom and sexually abuse a young girl

A paedophile whose partner is accused of murdering their two children in a Spanish hotel was jailed for 16 years today.Former television hypnotist Martin Smith, 45, who used violence to groom and sexually abuse a young girl, carried out the attacks over a nine-year period.While he waited to go on trial his partner Lianne Smith suffocated their two young children just days after he had been extradited back to Britain.She has admitted asphyxiating the youngsters with a plastic bag and is due to go on trial for murder.Her partner's victim, who is now in her 20s, told the jury during his case how he would try to hypnotise her and hit and bully her to ensure she complied with his demands.He was found guilty of 11 specimen charges of rape, attempted rape, indecency with a child and indecent assault,...
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